Saeco Royal Professional
Automatic Coffee Machine for a small booth
Electrically programmable cup dosing, Steam Wand or Auto-cappuccinatore.
Maße (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe): 390 x 395 x 455 mm
Schaerer Siena 2
One Touch Cappuccino und Latte Macchiato
Four different kindds of coffee elictrically programmable. Simple handling with a push of button.
Maße (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe): 314 x 508 x 403 mm
Nuova Simonelli Prontobar
One Touch Cappuccino und Latte Macchiato
Prontobar is the new superautomatic that Nuova Simonelli offers to the market sector which requires a high-quality product that is extremely simple to use and compact.Prontobar is available with direct connection to water mains or with a tank and 1 or 2 grinders.
Maße (Breite x Höhe x Tiefe): 330 x 600 x 520 mm
Bartscher Pro 40 T
Filter Coffee Maker
Stainless Steel
aprox. 40 - 48 Cups
6,0 Liter
Brewing Time for 40 Cups: 45 Minutes
Mindest Aufbrühmenge: 3 Liter (20 Tassen)
2 separate heating systems für brewing and holding
Anschlusswert: 1,2 kW / 1 NAC 230 V